Coach • Mentor • Author

“Let me walk you HOME to LOVE.”


“I help Spiritually Awakening Beings remove emotional baggage, deep wounds & disconnection so they can expand into LOVING balance & their greatest potential.”

What is EVERYONE saying?

Kind Words

Cosmic Love Antenna: Listen. Learn. Heal.

Cosmic Love Antenna:


What people are saying?



Movement & Nutrition

Personalized individual sessions that are designed to work your muscles, ground yourself back into your body and help release daytime stress so your “Human Pillar” can allow your spiritual loving light to flow. Allowing you to construct a meal and food regime aimed at leaving you not only energized but excited to come back for more every single day.


Emotional Release/Spiritual Reconnection

Whether it be inner-child connection, dream interpretation, reiki energy, chakra balancing and releasing, or even ancestral healing, all the deep emotional work you need to move through and integrate from, I am here to love, support, and guide you through.


Holistic Synchronising

Our bodies are not made up of isolated elements and rather work as a synergistic system of systems moving dynamically throughout time and space. So with this understanding, we MUST work, integrate and heal across MIND, BODY & SOUL. I will provide you with the tools and practices needed to not only do this but to also help get you back into boundless health and balance.



We live in an age of technological ubiquity and with this we are now able to self-quantify and enhance our HOLISTIC health in new and exciting arenas. I aim to enlighten and share these advancements with you so that you can take your health, wellbeing and vitality to new levels.



Our bodies are pliable and always listening to our movements and extensions. Let me help you to direct this physical growth through yogic and deep stretching modalities.

You are HELD

Whether it be physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually, one of my deepest intentions as a coach/mentor is to make sure you feld safe and held. This is step number 1 on the journey home to your heart, love and POWER.


Get in touch.
The first session is on me!